Burntisland in 1968 and in 2004

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Keddie Law of Montrose has kindly provided these two contrasting photographs of Burntisland from the Binn Hill, the top one taken in 1968 and the bottom one in 2004.

The top (1968) photo has the following features marked:

A - Burntisland Cricket Club hut and bowling practice area
B - Site of present-day Burntisland Nursery School
C - Toll Garage (formerly Scott's Garage)
D - Burgh Yard
E - Burntisland Laundry Company
F - Caravan site
G - Site of council lock-up garages

The bottom (2004) photo shows the new housing estate off the Cowdenbeath Road on the lower slopes of the Binn Hill.

Burntisland in 1968

Burntisland in 2004

 © Keddie Law and Iain Sommerville 2007

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