Churches and Burial Grounds

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(Please click here for information on churchyards and the c1885 cemetery.)

The following links are to a series of nine articles with a broad church theme, written by Iain Sommerville in 2001 and 2002 for the Burgh Buzz, Burntisland's community newspaper.

By coincidence the first article in the series appeared as plans were being finalised for the celebrations in June 2001 to mark the 400th anniversary of the decision, taken in Burntisland, to proceed with the King James Bible. These celebrations - together with the recent ones to mark the Millennium - saw a strengthening of the links between the various churches in the town. This is a welcome development for most people. But at the same time, we must not forget the reasons for the splits and schisms in the churches during the 18th and 19th centuries. These happened in very different times, and were led by brave and principled people and are described in Parts 5 and 6 of the series.

Part 1 - The Early Years and the Church at the Kirkton

Part 2 - The Kirkton Churchyard and the Last Laird of Inchdairnie

Part 3 - The Manse in Forth Place

Part 4 - The Covenant, Cromwell and The Killing Time

Part 5 - The Origins of the Erskine Church
Related pages:   Erskine Kirk Session records;   Stained Glass Window.

Part 6 - The Disruption and the Free Church

Part 7 - The Episcopal Church and George Hay Forbes

Part 8 - The Catholic Church

Part 9 - Witchcraft

Burntisland's Churchyards and Cemetery

Burntisland has three burial grounds: the churchyard of the Kirkton Church in Church Street; the churchyard of the Parish Church in East Leven Street; and the new cemetery (almost certainly opened in 1885) in Kinghorn Road. For more information, please see 'Deaths and burials' on the Family History page.

Webpage by Iain Sommerville; Help on bookmarking this page.